Protocol between the government of the Republic of Finland and the government of the Russian Federation amending the Agreement between the government of the Republic of Finland and the government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning passenger traffic on the Saimaa canal and in the territory leased by the Republic of Finland from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as far as Vyborg or in transit to the open seas signed on 15 October 1990

The Government of the Republic of Finland and the Government of the Russian Fedration,
Referring to the Agreement between the Republic of Finland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the lease to the Republic of Finland of the Soviet part of the Saimaa Canal and Maly Vysotsky Island of 27 September 1962,
Considering the experience in the application of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Finland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning passenger traffic on the Saimaa Canal and in the territory leased by the Republic of Finland from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as far as Vyborg or in transit to the open seas of 15 October 1990 (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”),
Have agreed as follows:

1. To amend the penultimate sentence of the first paragraph of article 3 of the Agreement to read as follows: “When a return trip is made on the same day (day of arrival), combined means of transportation shall be permitted in one direction by vessel, bus or train and on the return trip by bus or train or vessel.”

2. The train referred to in paragraph 1 of this Protocol may be the “Sibelius”, or any other train that might be used in the future for the same purpose.

3. This Protocol shall enter into force thirty days following the date of its signature d it shall remain in force as long as the Agreement remains in force.

Done at Helsinki, on 10 June 1994, in duplicate in the Finnish and Russian languages, both texts being equally authentic.

For the Government of the Republic of Finland:
Juhani Korpela

For the Government of the Russian Federation: